3 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Marketing

The internet is a gold mine of information about marketing your business. It’s easier than ever to learn marketing basics and get started. Then again, it’s also easier than ever to get lost in all the noise.

In any growing business, there comes the point where you need help. It can be hard to make that choice, or even to know it’s the right time. Here are three signs that you’re ready to get help with your marketing.

1. You don’t love marketing.

Dreading your to-do list because it’s full of marketing work?

In the words of Marie Kondo, if it doesn’t “spark joy,” it’s time to let it go. It’s true of that novelty t-shirt, and it’s true of your marketing. You started a business to do the work you love, right?

If you’ve tried managing your marketing alone but found that it doesn’t come easily, it’s time to outsource. We all operate best within our “zone of genius,” using skills that come naturally. Combining our innate talents with hard work is how we make breakthroughs. If marketing doesn’t spark joy or let you find flow, consider bringing in someone else to help.

2. You have more money than time.

At some point, everyone looks at their calendar and wishes there was a way to squeeze a few more hours into a day. When your business is slow, it’s logical to roll those free hours into marketing to bring in new clients. But when business is busy? Evaluate the opportunity cost of the time you spend on marketing. 

Every hour of marketing work has an opportunity cost. What else could you be doing? If you could be doing billable work, the opportunity cost is easy to calculate. How much billable work could you finish in that hour?

Unfortunately, letting your marketing languish during busy times means that you aren’t building a pipeline for future client work. That’s where outsourcing comes in. You spend your time on billable projects when you’re busy and you let someone else make sure that you’re still generating leads to fill your pipeline.

3. You’re ready to level up your business.

Were you running your business as a side-hustle, but recently made it your full-time gig? As a side-hustle, you had plenty of projects, but you’re finding it harder now that you need steady clients to pay your bills. A marketing consultant could put together a strategy to generate promising leads.

Maybe you want a pipeline that’ll keep you booked for the next six months. Balancing lead generation with ongoing client work is a challenge. A marketing professional could help you identify growth opportunities with your current clients, as well as provide marketing tactics to ensure you’re attracting your ideal customers.

Do you want to grow your business without putting in more hours? By working with a marketing consultant who provides reporting and analytics on marketing tactics, you could hone your strategy and focus on high-ROI tactics.

If it’s time to make a change in your business, outsourcing to a marketing consultant means you’ll have an expert on hand to strategize and execute your vision.

Outsourcing marketing can help your business grow.

Whether you’re a solopreneur or a small business owner, growth means finding new ways to scale your business. One of the best ways to do that is by working with a marketing professional who can share their expertise.

Know that marketing consultants are not one-size-fits-all. The trick is to find a consultant that you trust and who offers the services you need. Some consultants focus only on strategy. Some concentrate on social media marketing or YouTube. Others, like Tiny Marketing, provide start-to-finish services, handling strategy, implementation, and reporting across all channels.

Do any of these signs sound familiar? Book a 15-minute consultation with me and find out how we can work together.

Sarah Noel Block

Sarah is a full-stack digital marketer who specializes in working with tiny marketing departments to get big impact with your marketing department of one. 


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